Activity Modules
Moodle contains a wide range of activity modules that can be used to build up any type of course.
Flash Card Set
This module provide students a way of fast memoizing list of "things". This is a typical indexing exercise, where a map of coupled things should be learned and retained. We say "thing" because either key or value could be any related pair of text, images or sounds.
This module implements a full Leitner system to mechanically support the memoization process of the relationships. The couples to be learned are first attached to a deck of cards. These are initially considered as difficult to learn. The teacher can choose a learning curve using 2, 3 or 4 decks. 4 decks should be used for large set of definitions. When the student fails answering a card, he will tell it and let the card stay in the same deck. If he has the correct answer, he will ask for passing the card to the second deck, so considered as less difficult to learn. The process is repeated for all decks till the last one where card will remain. The decks are triggered so the student knows which he should review. Difficult cards will trigger more often thant trivial cards. Trigger delays are adjustable.
When a student do not apply for reviewing decks, cards may downgrade automatically to an higher difficulty deck.
The module allows also a free use of the cards, enabled by module configuration. The module is customisable graphically using a teacher defined CSS and image set.
About Mediabird
Mediabird is about learning together. Users can take notes on subjects they want to learn and discuss questions in the context they appear.
Stamp Collections
By default, the module allows a teacher to give "stamps" (i.e. picture with a comment) to students so they collect these stamps. The activity can be used in many ways, such as motivative bonus marks, absence marks, certification records etc.
The module uses capabilities to declare who can e.g. collect stamps or give stamps. Therefore, student can be allowed to give stamps to other students, the stamps may be given to teachers etc. Teachers can setup the module to show all stamps to all students, to show stamps only to the individual student to whom it was awarded or to hide stamps completely.
A Wiki enables documents to be authored collectively in a simple markup language using a web browser.
"Wiki wiki" means "super fast" in the Hawaiian language, and it is the speed of creating and updating pages that is one of the defining aspects of wiki technology. Generally, there is no prior review before modifications are accepted, and most wikis are open to the general public or at least to all persons who also have access to the wiki server.
The Moodle Wiki module enables participants to work together on web pages to add, expand and change the content. Old versions are never deleted and can be restored.
This module is based on Erfurt Wiki.
With this module you can survey your students with a custom survey.
Database Activity
This activity allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary.
The entries can be searched or browsed in many different formats.
The glossary also allows teachers to export entries from one glossary to another (the main one) within the same course.
Finally, it is possible to automatically create links to these entries from throughout the course.
Book is a simple multipage study material